My Thoughts on Games GDD

It is now the seventh week of my third semester, time has most definitely been flying. After my week-long break, I have been advised to read certain articles and watch videos surrounding the idea of writing up a game design document (GDD). The purpose of those documents is to summarise what the game is about without going into too much detail. They are used to keep things organized within development teams, although in this case, I am a lone developer in this case. One of the links provided is a useful template where, later on, I will be writing up my own GDD and then presenting it to my lecturer.

How to Write a Game Design Document:
Communication and Game Design Documents:
Using a Game Design Document | BenderWaffles Teaches RPG Maker Tutorial:

Professional Game Design Document by lhodgesdesign - Issuu
Professional Game Design Document by lhodgesdesign – Issuu

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